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Outdoor Day Camp in Calgary

Bring back play and creativity with Creative Seeds. Take the stress out of scheduled school closures and get your elementary-aged child outdoors and playing with our Calgary day camps that happen all year long! 


Children at Creative Seeds outdoor day camps in Calgary will spend their days soaking up fresh air, exploring, playing and being creative. We believe that big kids deserve time and space to play too. Between school and extracurriculars, time for older children to play can get severely limited. We offer a variety of camps all year long, with everything from winter break camps, to summer camps, and even single day camps for school professional development days. We understand the struggle of finding quality care for the days your child doesn't have school, therefore we aim to provide a play-forward camp that allows your elementary aged child to get creative and moving when they aren't in school!

What We Offer

Community Partner Camps

Check out more of our camps hosted by our amazing Community Partners!


What should my child bring to camp?

Campers should come prepared with appropriate layers for the season, a snack, water bottle, and a backpack they are able to carry. We also encourage sunscreen and bug spray in the summer, and hand warmers and a hot lunch in the winter. 

What about inclement weather?

Creatives Seeds in an all weather program. We operate rain or shine and believe that getting kids outside in a variety of weather is important. We are able to shelter in our mobile nature classroom in inclement/extreme weather. In the case of persisting extreme or dangerous weather programs will be refunded or moved indoors when possible. Considerations are taken to participants' safety and comfort. Extreme weather includes air quality warnings, extreme wind warnings, thunderstorms, and temperatures below -25°C or above 31°C. 


What is the cancellation policy?

Creative Seeds cannot provide refunds for programs canceled or not attended due to participant illness, vacation, or other unforeseen circumstances. Credits to new programs may be provided on a case-by-case basis. Please reach out to us with any concerns.   

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